Tuesday, March 4, 2014




This world and its busyness keeps us away from being the Joy that we are, unfortunately many are living in stress because of this. A sweet friend asked me how to get out of this stress.
The Answer:
Let me share with you some powerful truths that you need to listen with your heart and not with your mind. 
The mind knows only what it knows, all the data it collects from the 5 senses of physicality and thinks that that is all there is.
But your heart knows more. So whatever I am going to share with you now is ancient knowledge that your heart understands.
You are not this body, or the name that people refer you to. You are a great being of immense love and light, you are a traveler beyond time and space, and in this magnificent journey you allowed a tiny part of yourself to come and reside inside this physical body to witness that which is called the physical life, because you loved the Creator so much. You emanated from the Creator, the Creator did not make you, you are a part of the Creator itself.
So this lifetime of yours is not about the mundane things of the modern 'busy' life, of getting degrees, jobs, salaries, marriages, etc. your lifetime is a sacred journey, it is all about your relationship with yourself and with life.
It is your mission at this time to make your relationship with yourself very loving and kind, because only when you love yourself you can truly love others outside you whether it be spouses or parents or siblings or friends, without giving love to yourself first you cannot share the love with others. You can give only what you have. And love is what creates 'Heaven on Earth'.
We create 'Heaven ' by taking care of ourselves with kindness and love in our thoughts, actions, and words.

Bless yourself everyday. Start with gratitude. Gratitude is the most powerful prayer you can give to the Creator.
Gratitude brings joy to your heart, start with gratitude for simple things, for the air you breathe, for the birds that sing near your window, for the loving people around you, for the things that make your life comfortable, ..... the list can go on and on.
We cannot give money or material things to the Creator as gifts, our gratitude is the greatest and most powerful gift we can give.
Somewhere along the way we forget who we are and we start comparing and competing with people around us and that is the cause of stress.
Each and every one of us are unique and our only mission here on this Planet is to love our Self and share this love with the Planet, and when you be and do these things, things which you are searching for will automatically come to you, everything will fall into place for love.

These are the two powerful exercises that you can do to uplift yourself to the JOY that you are, the Creator made you in JOY, who you are is JOY, and every time we forget this JOY we go into dis- ease of the body, mind and spirit.
Do these two exercises diligently in order to bring yourself back to the person God made you to be and to bring success into your life and in the life of your loved ones.

Exercise 1
Gratitude Journal'
Start a gratitude journal today.
Take a notebook and keep it exclusively for yourself. Remember the things you are thankful for, like the air you breathe, your loved ones, the house you live, nature and its beauty around you, anything and everything......
Start writing before going to bed at least three things you are thankful for in you life.
Every day increase the number from 3 to more than 3 and go on....
Do this diligently every day before going to bed. Thank the Creator sincerely from your heart.

Exercise 2
Loving the Self

Understand that your body is the temple where the Divine resides. To live in oneness with the Divine and fulfill your Divine purpose on this Planet,
start loving the Self immensely.

The mantra: mantras become magic only with your feelings otherwise they just remain as words.
So pour your feelings into this mantra and say it aloud to yourself in front of a mirror by looking into the eyes of the one in the mirror.
At first this may sound silly but with practice you will notice the grand difference it makes.
Memorize and Say this mantra aloud or silently to yourself many times during the day, while cooking, shopping, washing, etc, anytime anyplace
Take a journal and write it to yourself like a love letter many times during the day.
For many years the world taught you not to love yourself, now it is time to understand that you are the Divinity that God created so beautifully, it is time to acknowledge your divinity.


"I love myself
I am wonderful
Today is one of the best days of my life
Everything is working out for my highest good
Whatever I need to know is revealed to me
Whatever I need comes to me
All is well"
(Affirmation from Louise Hay)

You can also write it an put it near your computer, the bathroom mirror, the fridge, to make it a prominent reminder in your life.

May we remember our divinity and live in oneness with the JOY that we are Created to be!
Premlatha Rajkumar

1 comment:

Ann Crawford said...

Beautiful words of wisdom, as always! xoxoxoxoxo