Thursday, June 12, 2014


( An excerpt from my book "Twelve steps to Inner Peace")

Parenting wisdom is natural and every parent who is awake and aligned with existence becomes a successful parent. If one is not awake, one needs to depend for parenting wisdom from books, society, and education. When a child is born, a parent is also born. We are given the special tools and wisdom to nurture and care for our children. It is a grand gift of existence that is not available in books, society, or education.
Books, society, and education are experiences of other people and can therefore only offer so much. However, aligning with the Divine Presence of our inner being, brings strength, wisdom and patience in bringing up children.
Every human parent strives to provide the best for their children. Parents like to see their child grow into a happy, healthy individual. But when one is attached to mind stories, parenting takes a different path. It brings a lot of pain when things go wrong. For parents think that they know what is best for their children because they have read all the books, discussed with their friends, doctors, and educators about parenting.
The first and foremost thing in parenting is aligning with the Divine Presence. Though we may have given our children their physical bodies, they are not the physical bodies. They are beautiful souls that are expressing through their bodies. When we connect with our Divine Presence, we understand soul connection, and we learn to see and connect with our children from our inner being.
When parenting is done from the mind, children are looked down upon as little people who do not know anything. Well-intentioned parents, teachers, and gurus try to impose their beliefs, ideas, fears, rules and laws on the children. The result produces fear. When there is fear, there is no place for love. It has become a collective learned human behavior to always be behind the children telling them what they should and should not do, and also to believe that punishment was for the child's good. This created much fear in the child, and fear made the child to break the laws. By creating laws and fear, we are teaching them to cheat and lie. We go on infecting children with ideas that have not even proved valid in our own lives. Many things we ask our children to do might not have been acceptable to us when we were in their age.
By forcing our children, we do not allow them to be authentic. They fear that they would hurt us if they are true, and they feel hurt when they are not true to themselves. Living from mind stories, we forget that we only gave a part of our physical bodies to our children and that the Spirit that activates the body comes only from the Creator. Children were never our possessions in the first place, and in this planet we are only their guardians.
When we realize this truth, we will also come into the understanding that we really do not know what is right or what is wrong for our children. They were brought into this world by the Creator through us, and the one that brought them into this world knows them more than we do.
Aligning ourselves to existence and allowing Divine Presence to flow through us, brings enormous wisdom in practicing the art of Parenting. The best and most effective way of parenting, is to serve as an example and not to impose our will.
Children need privacy and freedom. They are individual, unique souls who need to be respected and allowed to be themselves. They are not here to fulfill somebody's ideas. Their future is open and supported by a loving Creator. A wise parent is one who is there to give support, courage, and confidence to the child without harassing the child to live up to his or her expectations.
A wise parent understands that every human is beautifully programmed by the wisdom of the Creator, that there are no accidents, and that everything goes according to the program.
The best gift a parent can give the child is allowing and accepting the child to be his or her natural self wherever it leads to. Magic and miracles get created by this acceptance, and the gifts the child has brought to this planet are revealed.

Premlatha Rajkumar

~ An Excerpt from "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

Twelve Steps to Inner Peace is available in several formats for EVERYONE
Kindle, paperback (blk&wht), & audiobook:
Nook: 2940016084442
Text only paperback (this version has no pictures or diagrams and has a smaller font):
Large text paperback (this version has no pictures or diagrams and has a larger font):
Full Color edition paperback:

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