Friday, December 26, 2014


(An Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace")
Quantum physics states that this is a participatory universe. The abundant creative energies of the Universe respond to our expectations, and they are connected to human consciousness through intention. Every thought and feeling radiates from us in the form of energy fields that pour out into the universe and affect other energy fields around us. Our attention is awareness; it is energy through which we communicate with life. We have the freedom to choose to place our attention anywhere we like. The benevolent universal energies respond to our attention and co-create with us. This is why whatever we focus on magnifies.
Due to the fall of consciousness, many are unconscious of being unconscious. The few who came into this knowledge took advantage of the fallen human situation to gain power and control over the many as they learned to direct the attention of the masses on images of trauma, despair and destruction. The repeated focus of attention on words, pictures, and descriptions generate tremendous energy and thought forms from the masses that continue to create hopelessness and powerlessness on life situations.
Thoughts and feelings are very real and they have form. Our imaginations are powerful tools to create what we want in life.
All of the events of our life and of the planet are not random, meaningless acts. They are our unconscious creation due to lack of awareness. We are made up of both the physical and the non-physical material of the Universe, and according to the law of, “as above so below; as below so above,” the universal energies support us in the creation of the collective ideals. The collective imaginations and agreements of all participants in the physical are supported in the non-physical and an energy structure is created according to the beliefs of the collective.
Being born into a collective consciousness on the planet is a powerful venture; it is a gift. Every individual affects the collective by their thoughts and feelings created by what they choose to believe at any given moment. Choosing to wake up and be in the place of awareness, in the present moment, is our gift to life.
This is the time of the birthing of a new humanity. A humanity that walks the planet in complete awareness. The cosmic intelligence of the Universe is constantly inviting us to wake up, to be aware and alert, and to consciously co-create with the goodness of the Universal energies NOW.
The innumerable crop circles, the meteor showers, solar flares, eclipses, and pole shifts are urging us to wake up to the truth of our connection to the Universe, and to be awakened to our power as being of peace and compassionate generosity.
Our bodies are intelligent tools that have been given to us to wake up to our power. Noticing our breath, connecting to our heartbeat, and viewing our world from the center of our head, are powerful ways to stay in awareness. Practicing pranic breathing connects us to the wisdom of our heart.
Albert Einstein stated that “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” This is very true because we cannot change our reality from the same consciousness that made it. We must wake up and shift our consciousness toward what we want to create through being alert and aware in the present moment.
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.

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