Monday, February 22, 2016


Sweet Friends,

Its Valentine's Day!

This day is celebrated in remembrance of Saint Valentine, the monk who was an embodiment of kindness.
For eons wars are fought on this Planet for the greed of the rulers. Usually young people are the target to be taken away to fight wars. In his time Saint Valentine prevented young people from going to war, he secretly married them against the knowledge of the rulers so that they will become loving people and not people who go to war.
Today the concept of war is sold in a gift wrapped packet called "hero", people are mindlessly made to kill other humans whom they do not even know.
A human being is precious, a grand gift of life. We all are One Consciousness. We are grand gifts to each other, the purpose of human life is to uplift each other, to love and care for each other, to be each others' sweet valentines, to love the planet, to care for the plants, animals and all beings, to be the sweet valentines of the Planet.
It is important that each one of us remember and re-member to consciously present ourselves as a gift to life. Life gifts us with grand blessings each moment and our gift to life is to be consciously present to receive the gifts.
When we are consciously present we live from our wisdom and unconditional love. We live as divinity in humanity. We live as grand valentines for ourselves, humanity, and for this beautiful Planet!
Let us choose to be grand Valentines of Creation.
Happy Valentine's Day Sweet Friends!
Premlatha Rajkumar

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