Thursday, January 25, 2018


The Full Moon on Jan, 31 will be very close to the earth so it will be huge, it is called blue because it is the second full moon in the same month, and it will be a blood moon because of the lunar eclipse.
This occurrence is not just for one's amazement, but it is a grand window of opportunity for everyone on the Planet to go within, take ownership and acknowledge our Divine magnificence. The eclipse provides opportunity to illuminate our fears, worries and hurts, transcend negative patterns and bring the unconscious into the conscious realm.
The Moon represents our 'inner world,' our fears, worries, hidden emotions and dreams. During the full moon when the moon shines bright, our own inner light shines and we wake up to our truth and grow spiritually. If we choose to be aware, the moon offers us the ability to feel, to learn from the past and creatively unlock and share our essence.
Full moon is a time of clutter clearing the mind and letting go of the things we keep within our consciousness that no longer serve our highest good.It may be grievances, habits, or addictions. The energies of the full moon are a gift, they help to wash away emotions and attachments that do not support us anymore
The best news is that we are the power in our lives and we do have a choice to create our reality as we want it to be.
It is a time to make a checklist and find what we are holding on that is taking up all our space and not helping us to move forward in our life.
We volunteered to be here in this physical human body at this time. We are not victims, we are not undergoing punishments or learning lessons. We are actually evolving! Evolving into our grander selves.
Meditations and affirmations done during this period is powerful because the energy of the moon magnifies our prayers a thousand times.
There are many wonderful meditations given free on the internet on full moon day that help us to align with the beauty of our pure soul. Ask your higher self for guidance and find one that resonates with you.
I have found the 'Quantum K healing experience' to be wonderful to clutter clear our inner world.
Full moon time is an opportunity a window of time gifted for us to bring clarity to our mind, amplify our intuition, receive insights through dreams/meditation, and awaken to the grand vision of our life here on Earth. Meditation during the eclipse enhances transformation of the self, it helps us to align with the beauty of our pure soul. Please do not miss this opportunity. Take time away from all busyness and be kind to yourself and gift yourself with this opportunity.
Premlatha Rajkumar
©PRajkumar Jan 2018

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