Friday, March 8, 2013



As a species we are a powerful group of entities. We are born with Divinity so powerful that we co-create the Planet with the Creator. Our power lies in our agreements. The world and the situations in the world exist because of our agreements. Our agreements can either be conscious or unconscious. Most of the time, our agreements are unconscious. We lost the art of living consciously due to programmed learning from the time we were born. Whether it was our parents, teachers, or religious leaders, the society around us drummed two things into us all of the time. These two things were that we are not good enough and that we do not deserve.  This kind of programming has been going on for eons resulting in the chaos and confusion that we have created as a collective on this Planet. We were programmed to deny our joy and our divine nature. By denying our joy, we created situations that separated us from our Divinity.

Our sacred birthright is Inner Peace. In the words of the Mahatma Gandhi:

“An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind!”

For hundreds of years, mankind has been playing this game of an eye for an eye, and has lost its power of sight. When we truly see our creation right now, it is mostly war, chaos, and confusion between individuals, families, clans, and nations. The only thing that can change the world on the outside is to change it on the inside of each one of us. It is a total transformation of consciousness for a new humanity working from the place of Inner Peace to create “Heaven on Earth”.

Yes, we are absolutely the builders of “Heaven” on this Planet. Until we realize this, we will continue to be the losers. Life is not made on the platform of competition or comparison. If we continue to play the games of competition, comparison, scarcity, and war, then we all are going to be the losers.

When many of us choose to anchor peace in our inner being, we will create a more blissful existence.

No revolution on the outside can change our existence. Only the conscious choice to revolutionize on the inside and to create a peaceful space within us will enhance existence on the outside to blossom with beauty and joy.

~Excerpt from "Twelve steps to Inner Peace"

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