Saturday, March 23, 2013


Loving and worrying cannot occupy the same space. They are two opposing frequencies.

There are people who tell me, “I love my husband so much that I worry about him, or I worry about my children a lot.”

Loving is not an emotion. Loving is complete trust that all is well.

Worrying does not help anyone. On the contrary, it makes things even harder for the person who is facing a tough situation. We are energy beings, and we are energetically connected to each other beyond space and time. Our thoughts, feelings, and words bind each other energetically, and this is how prayers (both negative and positive) work.

Worrying, IS sending negative prayer. Worrying is so harmful that it will keep a person stuck in the negative situation that they are in. By worrying about someone, we are sucking away the person’s energy, and we are sending a negative prayer by affirming their weakness. Whenever we have worry thoughts about our loved ones, it is wise to understand that these thoughts of ours are not going to help them or us in any way.

Worry or sadness arise from the argument with reality. Every argument creates greater suffering. The suffering is always from the mind, and it has nothing to do with the person or the situation. In the greater play of life, since the mind does not even know what is good for ourselves or for anyone else, then why would we bring our mind stories to argue, defend, or create war inside us against reality?

When we create discord on the inside, the world immediately mirrors our discord. The moment we go into this space, we deplete our life-force energy – the energy that helps our body and mind to function. We stop thinking clearly and our low energy seeks to balance by sucking this life-force energy from others. Yes, and even from those whom we are worrying about. We remain oblivious to our capacity to create healing and harmony. When we stop believing and attaching to our thoughts, we step into peace.

I have noticed and experienced that when I rewrite my worry thoughts with life affirming thoughts, I come to peace and harmony. Miraculously, the person to whom I am sending life affirming thoughts, also finds healing solutions to their problems. Witnessing our thoughts and rewriting them with our loving visualization and affirmation is a sweet surrender and a most powerful way of bringing the LIGHT of consciousness into our everyday life.

Send those who are facing a tough situation positive life affirming thoughts like:

“You can make it, you are getting better and better, you are
always Divinely guided and protected.”

See this person in your mind’s eye smiling, happy, and healthy. Ask for Divine love and light to cover them, protect them, and bring positive solutions for the highest good of all concerned. Choosing life affirming thoughts over worrying creates miracles for both the giver and the receiver.

I have also noticed that when I chose to disengage from my mind-created discord, the people around me also began to lose their discord and live from the place of clarity.

~Excerpt from "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"


Unknown said...

It is very nice...

Unknown said...

I've very much found this to be true throughout my years as a mother. Living in some of the places we've been, and with eight children...whenever they were away from me and worry tried to ease in, it always helped to allow faith to step in and remind me that MY love surrounds them, wherever they are. Great post my sister:)<3