Monday, March 18, 2013


(Two powerful tools to practice daily)

We come into these beautiful human bodies to experience the essence of being, to experience the intimacy of the dense physical experience.  But most of the time we unconsciously choose to separate ourselves from the essence of being.  Just the other day I burnt the fingers of my right hand while making caramel, the mind wants to separate itself from the excruciating pain, but in awareness when I accepted and allowed the experience, there was absolutely no suffering, I could still do all the work I do with my hands, and the burn healed within a week. The practice of the blame game is the sure way of separation from the Oneness of All that IS.  If we notice the major theme of conversations between people and the thought patterns of an individual in one day, they are usually complaints and blame.  The blame is either about themselves, or others, their jobs, their families, the government, or God. It seems like we constantly choose to judge and separate ourselves from oneness with the All.  There is a desire in the human consciousness to be special, to be better, bigger, faster, to acknowledge only the positive experiences, and this desire is the major cause of all suffering.

There is a sacred watcher within every human being, which is the Divine Essence. Even in the midst of chaos and extremely stressful situation this sacred watcher is calm and it continues to watch.  On the other hand the mind continues to react to the situation, and when we identify with the mind we stress ourselves, we suffer.  When one becomes aware of the sacred watcher, then one is able to understand the gift in every situation.  This is the oneness of All that IS, this is the wellspring of knowledge and wisdom, this is the all knowing Presence. When we choose to experience life from this place of oneness, we expand our consciousness, we raise our vibration and we fulfill the purpose of our soul in this lifetime.

The good news here is that we as human beings have the freedom of choice; we can choose what part of us we want to identify with.  Do we choose to identify with the perception of the mind and its reactionary stress or do we choose to identify with the sacred watcher and be in the place of responding to situations from the place of oneness.  The healing process in our lives begins when we start moving our awareness towards this all-knowing, all-seeing, Sacred Presence within our being.

The freedom of choice belongs to us.  It is not necessary to go about our lives with unhappiness or fear.  When we give up our freedom of choice, instead of choosing what we would like to experience from our being, we let what comes through the perception of our mind to control us.  So every pain, every negative situation, every thing that makes you feel bad is perceived by the mind to be a threat and so we separate ourselves from it, this brings suffering.  When there is suffering then it definitely means that there is something missing, the missing part is the separation from oneness, the oneness that is the truth of our wholesome being.  The healing process begins when we let go of the separation, the blame games and the judgments, for these are the stuff that block the flow of life. The choice is not between two different things in life, but the ultimate choice is living from the place of the Spirit, our Sacred Presence.  The sacred watcher within is beyond the mind, it resides within every one of us, and we have the freedom of choice to choose to live from alignment with our Sacred Presence.

To keep us away from the pull and push of every mind perceived situations, and align with our Sacred Presence it is important to ground oneself.  Grounding can be done as soon as you get up in the morning just imagine a tube of light connecting the tip of your tail bone area to the center of the earth below your feet.  Something that represents the conductivity of all energies for you, there is no effort here, just play with your imagination, know that it is there. The more you practice grounding the more you will be in your center and in the place of the awareness of your Sacred Presence. Continue to play with your imagination and be aware of the tube of light that connects you and grounds you through out the day.
Another practice to align with Sacred Presence is to say the mantra “I AM” whenever possible throughout the day, and feel the peace and calm that emanates from it.

These tools are a grand gift to the self.  Choose to give this precious gift to yourselves dear ones!
~Premlatha Rajkumar~

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