Friday, July 4, 2014


(An excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace")

At one time I had a neighbor who had a little dog who was so happy to see every one she met. She would wag her tail, jump up and down, and look at you with such loving, knowing eyes. The little dog was so excited with life and she was so much in gratitude for everything around her that everyone fell in love with this little dog. This little dog had brought in such a powerful reminder of joy into my life. I found that anytime I felt uncomfortable or sad with my mind stories, I could immediately switch my thoughts to the exuberant joy of this little dog. In my mind’s eye, I saw her wag her little tail and excitedly jump up and down, and as she was so happy with life and showed it with her entire body, it brought me joy, excitement, and trust in the eternal goodness of Divine Love. I chose to give gratitude to life like this little dog. Immediately, my mood changed and I became so happy and thankful toward life. I am so much in gratitude to this little being that showed me to live in excitement for life.
Excitement lets you know that the one here, now, in this Present Time, is the true you. By choosing joy, you are acknowledging your true self to the Universe. It is then that the Universe has the conviction that it is you, and it is then that the Universe can support who you actually are rather than supporting who you have been told you have to be.
Events come and go, but consciousness is what binds and creates all events. It is important to hold the right consciousness that leads you to your joy and to your abundance. The secret key to enter your Magic Kingdom is imagination and trust to create joy in all events of life.
Premlatha Rajkumar

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