Monday, October 26, 2015


The art of living is to wake up, to choose to open our heart and see from a higher perspective.
We are bound to meet fear and torment at every twist and turn of life. The mind instantly judges things as good or bad and goes into reaction and resistance. 
But let us not be pulled down or broken down, let us allow our hearts to break open and bloom to go beyond the problem.
Even in situations where we think that we are lost, we find ourselves being guided by strange experiences, messages, people who become earth angels.
We are born with talents and tools that are so powerful than anything that is in the world outside. We can access our tools when our heart is open.
Instead of being caught up by the outer world, let us seek to pay attention to our inner world, to see from a higher perspective, to choose awareness, to stop resisting, to surrender completely to the unknown, to wait, to trust, and to listen to our soul.
The mind has no understanding of things other than itself, the mind can only judge and if we go with the mind we tend to react to situations. We cannot let the chaos and injustice of the outer world make us blind with anger, for we will become part of the same problem. When we compromise our qualities of understanding and compassion we become what we despise and we lose our humanity.
When we choose to open our hearts, we choose understanding, kindness, compassion and love which are the only true revolutionary ideals.
When we look back at our lives the toughest times had been the ones that motivated us to search for the truth, those are the times that broke our hearts open and helped us to expand our consciousness and gather wisdom.
When the heart is open every situation and every person, even the ones who torment us can become our teacher. We then easily learn the lesson and move on to freedom.
We can use every situation in life to wake us up. Let us take courage to face our fears, let us allow our hearts to open and anchor trust and patience so that we expand our understanding and find our freedom.
In the beautiful words of Pema Chödrön "the idea of karma is that you continually get the teachings that you need to open your heart. To the degree that you didn't understand in the past how to stop protecting your soft spot, how to stop armoring your heart, you're given this gift of teachings in the form of your life, to give you everything you need to open further.”
The art of living is to open our hearts and live from the place of awakened consciousness. For when we are enlightened we become the grandest gift for ourselves and for this beautiful Planet!
Premlatha Rajkumar

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