Monday, November 2, 2015


True abundance is choosing to live in joy. When we are able to relate to every life experience with whole-hearted involvement and trust, we feel abundant, life becomes a celebration every moment.
Abundance has nothing to do with wealth or money. Every thing in this Planet has been created for us, every person, every situation, every place is there for us to know ourselves. There is never any possibility of failure.
It is our ability and our choice to celebrate and enjoy every moment, to make as more as possible with whatever we have, to be aware and conscious with our body, our breath, our space, and the things in our space. For, everything, (regardless of whether the mind defines it as good or bad), comes to our space with a gift, and we can unwrap the gift only when we choose to trust and give our attention fully to it.
Abundance is to trust life completely and expect our every need to be met, and every problem to be solved. To patiently travel the path of life and be open and receptive to all the wonderful things that life brings our way,
We can be as creative, good, talented, adventurous as we like and give our energy fully and completely every moment, not because of the expectation of anyone but because we feel good about doing things. This makes us extremely satisfied and we realize that what we have is enough and more than enough. We realize that we are powerful creators, and the Universe is eager to co-create grandness with us.
When we choose to appreciate and fully enjoy even the very little things , when we are able to do more with less then life sees to it that we are given more by just doing less. This makes us the richest people on the Planet!
A favorite affirmation:
" I am open and receptive to all the wonderful things that life brings to me. I completely trust the Universe to take care of me. My life is filled with joy and laughter. And so it is. "
Let us choose to awaken to our abundance, let us choose to live life fully, let us celebrate our gift every moment!

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