Monday, November 23, 2015


We are grand beings of immense love and light. We emanated from the Creator of all worlds, we have the essence of the Creator in us. There is a well spring of infinite health, love and abundance within us. This is a powerful reservoir of creative energy given to us as our birthright, in order to move through life situations with ease and grace.
To focus upon, to facilitate and to enhance this mighty reservoir of power within us, we need to practice Self Blessing. Self blessing is a powerful practice and many of us are embarrassed to even talk about this because from childhood we were taught that doing anything for the self was selfishness. We were taught that we 'were not good enough' and that 'we do not deserve.' This happened because of forgetting the Divinity within, which is the only illusion on this Planet.
So many of us have this concept of humility/being humble/not deserving. The true meaning of humble is not about ignoring or putting down oneself, the true meaning is letting go the little mind/ego stories and allow the power of the Divine creative energies to move through us. To stop being who we think we are and to allow and be open to our God within to take charge of our life.
For this purpose it is very important to practice Self Blessing. We are the ones who can truly understand ourselves, we know what we have gone through, we know our needs and desires, and we are the ones who will be most dedicated to manifest our dreams. Hence it is important to learn to bless oneself and to activate the reservoir of inner creative power that each and every one of us are born with.
The more we bless ourselves the more we trust and listen to our Divine Self, this helps us to discipline ourselves and we feel very worthy to live a wonderful life. Living in union with our Divine Self creates grandness in our life and in the life of others, we tend to choose the highest good all the time. The more worthy we feel the more we validate ourselves and we become compassionate beings.
The world does not need intelligence anymore, the world needs more people with compassion who can see with the eye of Oneness, and act from the place of wisdom and peace.
The Creator blessed us to live wonderful lives, hence when we agree and bless ourselves everyday, we become a well spring of blessing.
Some of the ways we can bless ourselves:
1. Bless yourself with words of power, speak words of kindness to yourself from your heart, congratulate yourself often for accomplishing even the tiniest tasks. This encouragement makes you appreciate yourself more and more as a beautiful messenger of the Creator 's love.
2. Hug yourself often, pat yourself on the back and kiss yourself for the loving being that you are.
3. As you shower yourself every morning you can say ' I bless myself with this water of light and cleanse myself from impurities, insecurities and all kinds of negative thinking, if you bless yourself with lotions then as you apply them say blessings of kindness, you can say , ' I soothe and caress my beautiful body with loving kindness and erase away all troubles, ' as you wear your clothes, bless yourself, you can say words like, 'I bless myself with these beautiful clothes to surround me with confidence and love'. As you feed yourself you can bless yourself, 'I bless myself with food to fill my body with love, good health, and joy,' as you place bindhi/ornaments/oil/accessories on your body you can say things like, ' I bless my beautiful body with good health and well being.' When you cover yourself with a blanket at night you can bless yourself by saying " I bless myself with appreciation, warmth, support, confidence, and affection."
The more we bless ourselves, the more we invite the divine creative power of the God within us to move through our life and to create grandness of health, love, joy, peace and well being. The more we are at peace and well being, the more we become a blessing for this beautiful Planet and humanity.
Let us choose to bless ourselves and become a grand blessing!
Premlatha Rajkumar
© Premlatha Rajkumar 2015

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