Thursday, September 6, 2018

Story Time

I remember reading this story from a long time back. I do not know who wrote it but its essence has stayed with me.
There was this Buddhist temple that was getting dirty and uncared for. The monks who lived there lost their focus and became argumentative with each other. People stopped visiting the temple. The head monk was worried, he tried to make the monks understand the importance of respect and value for each other and for everything around them.
Then one day he spoke to the Abbot of the highest order about the situation of the temple. The Abbot was a wise man, he said he would like to see the monks and so he came to visit. The monks were intrigued by the Abbot's visit. They revered the Abbot and were waiting for his discourse.
When the time came for the Abbot to speak, he just said a few words. He said that he was very much amazed to note that the most Holy being, Lord Buddha himself has incarnated as a monk and is living among them in the temple without them knowing it.
The monks became very serious. they were thrilled that the Buddha himself was among them and that they did not know it. They decided to mend their ways immediately.
They understood that even the monk sitting next to them might be the Buddha in disguise, so they started treating each other with utmost respect. They started cleaning the temple to perfection, they woke up early to clean and decorate the temple everyday. They offered sincere prayers, knowing that the Buddha was listening.
The grandness the monks created in the temple reverberated throughout the land. People came from far and wide to experience the sacredness of the temple and be in the presence of the monks who radiated unconditional love and light. People were healed, the land flourished! Influenced by the monks' attitude people started caring and sharing for each other, poverty and hunger vanished!
Respecting and valuing each other and everything around us is the true spice of life.
Today many have forgotten this spice.
The Divine dwells among us as the all. Respecting and valuing the people and things around us will bring back prosperity and wellness for all.
Premlatha Rajkumar
© PRajkumar, 2018

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