Sunday, September 16, 2018


When the body is ill, it is a call for us to change our life style, slow down, become aware, love the self, and support our body with much needed supplements.
Most of the dis-eases are because of mindlessness in our way of living due to fast, busy modern life. Pain and illness are clear messages from the body to change our mindless ways.
A few friends have been asking me to post a pink heart on my timeline today for breast cancer awareness. I really see their beautiful heart and their good intention, but I am not okay with the pink heart thing.
What is the use of just placing a pink heart symbol? No one would know what it is about.
And shouldn't the sharing be about the best ways of prevention given in detail?
Also it is not only women but also some men do get breast cancer, so, isn't this awareness also needed.
Shouldn't we be sharing the best ways of cure for the body?
The medical system at this time is not using medicine to cure cancer, they only give treatments of chemo and radiation that actually make the patient die, successfully creating painful death.
There are many scientific research and articles about this.
A recent research article on the "Telegraph" says,
"For the first time researchers looked at the numbers of cancer patients who died within 30 days of starting chemotherapy, which indicates that the medication is the cause of death, rather than the cancer."
My Divine Self has always instructed me that whenever the body goes into illness, know that the body needs to come back to balance in the natural way, my Divine self tells me to support the body with supplements and fresh organic food, water, and probiotics, and never to medicate with things that are against the body.
For example, if one catches a cold, because of the fast life, we want instant result, so we reach out for cold and fever medicines that stop the symptoms and does not allow the body to get rid of the germs in a natural way. When we medicate, the medicine does not know the good bacteria needed for the body, the medicine kills all the little creatures in the body, and the body goes into imbalance.
A friend of mine had lumps in her breast, her doctor scared her that it is surely cancer, but she listened to divine guidance, never went back for treatment, she started having magnesium , minerals, vitamins, probiotics, and enzymes. And also support with prayers and meditations, changed her diet to more fresh organic food, and water, the lumps just disappeared within 3 months.
Personally, I do not medicate myself, I have done that in younger days and have experienced the worst kind of digestive disorders because of that. Listening to my Divine guidance, I slow down, get the supplements and support my body. I share this with all my loved ones and friends, and I have seen so much of healing and change in their lives.
I do not claim to know everything, just sharing some things that I know.
And I surely know that it is more important to be aware of our body, aware of our feelings, emotions. It is very much necessary to support our body with good supplements and take time to sit with our thoughts and process our thoughts and emotions responsibly, and to practice loving the Self.
For, our mental make up is the forerunner of our physical makeup.
Let us choose to be more aware, more responsible towards how we treat ourselves and our body.
Premlatha Rajkumar
© PRajkumar, 2018
Link to the research article on chemo:

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