Wednesday, April 29, 2015


The breath goes in and the breath comes out in the physical body, the thoughts come in and the thoughts go out in the mental body. We are neither out body nor our mind; we are the watcher or the witness of these things. When we watch our breathing, our thoughts come to a stop.
It requires alertness on our part, bringing our conscious presence in every action of life is the most powerful way of living. There is no other solution greater than alert awareness in removing unwanted thoughts and bringing the light of wisdom and understanding into our life.
Choosing to become the watcher, the witness of every incoming and every outgoing breath, surprisingly we notice that there are no thoughts in the mind. This is because breathing and thinking cannot occupy the same space in the presence of conscious awareness. But when we are unaware to our breathing, both breathing and thoughts continue to come and go from everywhere around us. Most of these thoughts are not our thoughts, and because we are not aware of this truth we tie our emotions to these thoughts and become easily stressed.
When we breath with awareness our consciousness is focused on breathing and we are not bombarded with unwanted thoughts. We become aware that we do not work to do the breathing, the breathing is free and we are being breathed every moment.
By bringing our conscious awareness into the breathing process we understand that we are not our body and not the thoughts of our mind, we are much much more than who we think we are, we are the sacred witness of every action. Living from the place of being the sacred witness brings stillness, and the light of understanding and wisdom shines through, so that we can live our lives from the place of effortless ease and peace.
Premlatha Rajkumar

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