Monday, April 15, 2013



When living in harmony with existence, every aspect of life becomes healthy. Spirituality is the ability to be in tune with existence and with the light of Love. The meaning of life in the physical is to develop the heart and the consciousness. The responsibility of every created being is to evolve. Our evolving is an integral part of the evolving of the Universe. Evolving involves conscious awareness and wholesomeness.

We are Spiritual beings living in multiple dimensions; however, we have focused our attention to this dimension to gather information through our physical experiences. Humans are multidimensional beings composed of multi-faceted parts with connections to many dimensions.

Pure Consciousness manifested itself into a body in order to experience physicality. The timeless brought itself into time and space. As soon as this was established, attention was focused on the physical and a new, limited, and restrictive consciousness “I am the body” was formed. The truth is that we are Pure Consciousness. Spirituality is the ability to return back to the Awareness of ourselves as consciousness from the physical experience. The physical body and the physical mind reflect the Light of consciousness, but they are a very limited consciousness.

To know and experience the truth of who we are from the limited physical consciousness, we go through the experience of who we are not. These are not negative experiences. These are experiences that awaken us to the truth of who we are, and when we inquire and dwell deep into the awakening process instead of escaping it, we bring grander solutions and greater wisdom. We birth ourselves into Pure Consciousness.

The harmony of evolving into Pure Consciousness is experiencing oneself as a Divine being in everyday reality. It is a process of loving and embracing every aspect of life without judgment and experiencing oneness and Unity with life. And from this Unity, choosing to live from the place of being happy, gracious, peaceful, compassionate, generous, and loving.
The restrictive consciousness of the body and mind bring in illusions to provide a playing field within which we can analyze, create, and evolve ourselves every moment. Our gathered experiences from the game of life create a data bank called the ego or the inner child. Within each and every one of us resides the inner child who is addicted to take on the job of protecting the body from harm. The inner child only knows itself as, “I am the body,” hence it lives in constant fear. Healing the inner child in us with conscious awareness is the way to Self Realization.

~Excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace"
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.


DrSRanjan said...

We are Energy-Knowledge-Consciousness Beings.
- Patriji

Unknown said...

This is profoundly true!