Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Twin Souls, Twin Flames and Soul Mates
Beloved Friends,

Some of you have been asking me to explain about Soul mates, twin souls and twin flames.  From all that I have read and all that Great Spirit has taught me, I have put into simple words all that I know about this.


You have heard about twin children, one egg divides into two, this is the message to relate to while thinking about twin souls
 Our souls come from the Monad or the Almighty I AM Presence, the Monad is the Over Soul that holds many souls.  When a soul takes birth as a human on the earth it goes through a process of dividing.  The soul divides itself into two like an egg and one part aligns itself in the human body and the other remains in the etheric field as a guardian for the soul that has birthed as human. 
 Always the principle of YIN YANG is used in all creation so the soul seed divides itself to male and female, if female takes birth in human form the male is the guardian, if male takes birth in human form female becomes the guardian.  So when the HUMAN chooses to align with the soul and chooses to live to the soul purpose then the HOLY MATRIMONY - the HOLY UNION of the male and female twin souls take place and the person becomes the ascended master on Earth. 


This is the flame in the heart.  The twin flame is the flame of Father/Mother God.  Unity with the flame makes us the child of God or the sun of God.  Thus when we choose to surrender to the love and power of Father/Mother God we become the son/sun, the Christ, thus making the three fold flame – Love of the Father, Wisdom of the Son, and Power of the Mother. 

The original Adam model had the flame more than 7 feet high and wide, covering the entire body like an auric field.  The decision of the physical body to descend into density was the point when the flame had to recede from the physical, because the flame is pure light and density does not go hand in hand with it.  It was found that if the flame receded the physical form would die, hence the Great I AM Presence sent out the pillar of light or the crystal cord that anchored the flame in the heart.

This crystal cord that arises from the Great Central Sun of the Almighty I AM Presence, descends down to the four lower bodies from the crown.  When a child is born the crystal cord kindles the flame in the secret heart chamber. Elizabeth Clare Prophet in her book "The lost teachings of Jesus –2", says that the baby's first cry or sound is often indicative of its sudden recognition of the burst of flame in the heart, of the sacred breath infilling the lungs, and of the bodily sensations now keenly felt.

The same way at the time of death the crystal cord is cut and the flame goes out in the physical body!
Most clairvoyant people can actually see the crystal cord being cut at the time of death.

Every birth in this realm of density is a service to the Divine.  Every service is to make known the unknown.  As the Great I AM Presence is light and it cannot see darkness, the soul with immense love for the Great I AM, decided to descend into density to learn to embrace dark and light and make known the unknown.  This is where the individualized soul attains Christhood, it becomes the Sun of God.

We are at this time on this very important and exciting journey of surrendering the self to the love and power of Father/Mother God, thereby igniting the heart flame to its original power to expand from our hearts and fill our auric field there by transforming the density and unknown of this dimension to the knowledge and power of the light!  Thus we become Christed beings and make this planet the Christed Orb!!!

Some of you may have the question, how do I go about doing this.  It is very simple when you draw nigh to God, God will draw nigh to you.  This is absolute truth.  Surrendering the Self is totally asking the Great Spirit of God to be the pilot of your body vehicle.  Every morning as you wake up ask Great Spirit of God, "Dear God, what is it that you want me to do today", be in silence and listen.  Even if you did not feel the answer, Spirit will guide you through out your day in everything you do and you will notice the amazing synchronicity of the events as they unfold magically in your life.

 Remember that you are anchored in the light of God by the Crystal Cord from your crown so it is good to visualize this powerful blinding light of the cord going through your crown into your body, and with every in-breath, breathe in this light into your body temple and fill your body, your very being to overflow with this light, it is good to do this kind of breathing always, for here lies your power to sustain, to protect and to guide you in every situation.


Soul mates are people who have signed up soul contracts with us before our birth.  We write our plays before we come to the earth; we choose our parents and the community where we want to be born so that the play we write may be fully realized. 
Every person in our life wives, husbands, children, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, people we meet in the bus, in the store, all are our soul mates!  They have signed up to help us realize our soul purpose fully and they play the roles we gave them to play.  Thus they may stay with us just for a while, for a season, or throughout our lifetime according to the roles we gave them. 
Hence the service of each one of them, whether we judge as good or bad from the human perspective is always the most beautiful service to help us learn and evolve as souls in this earthly journey!

Indeed human life in a human body is very beautiful.  We are Spiritual beings, living in a Spiritual place to fulfill a Spiritual Purpose!

Blessings of infinite Love, Light and Peace!
Premlatha Rajkumar


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