Saturday, April 6, 2013


(An excerpt from my book "Twelve Steps to Inner Peace")

The outcome of compassion is transformation of the world into Heaven.  We are born with the tools to empower the world and ourselves; therefore, the authors’ intention of writing this book, is not to teach anyone anything. This book is written in the complete knowing that every human is born with the tools for transformation. This book is just a reminder through words. When one reads words that are a match to the knowing of the inner being, it is easy to sort it all out on the outside.

I am reminded of the story of The Bishop’s Candlesticks from Victor Hugo’s epic novel, Les Miserables, which is a grand portrayal of compassion and its outcome.

The story of The Bishop’s Candlesticks is set In 19th century France. A prisoner, Jean ValJean, had spent 19 years in prison for stealing food and attempting escape. After his release from prison, he roamed from town to town looking for work. But because of his criminal past, no one offered him a job.

Hunger and tiredness drove him to seek refuge at the bishop’s house. The bishop was known for his compassion, hence Jean decided to ask for food and to stay for the night. The bishop lovingly invited Jean and offered him food and lodging. The bishop’s friend who was with him advised him against letting Jean stay for the night, but the bishop would not hear of it.  Jean noticed silver candlesticks on the altar at the bishop’s home, and  he stole them when the bishop was asleep and left the house. However, the night guards caught Jean, saw the candlesticks in his possession, and brought him to the bishop’s place in the morning. The Bishop said that he had given the candlesticks to Jean to sell so that he could move on in his life. The guards apologized and left Jean with the bishop. Jean cried and apologized to the bishop. The bishop told him to sell the candlesticks and to make an honest living for himself.

The bishop’s friend asked him why he had lied to the guards, for which the bishop replied that in his heart, he had already given the candlesticks to Jean ValJean. The novel goes on to say that Jean ValJean ends up becoming  a repentant, honorable, and dignified man. He becomes the wellspring of kindness for the people of the land.

Placing our awareness on our heart connects us to our God Within as our heart is the gateway to Universal Wisdom.

The physical experience of conscious breathing and bringing the pressure and warmth of the hand on the heart, opens the heart and allows us access to our Spiritual Home – our Kingdom Within.

Experience this moment now, bring your hand to your physical heart, and take in a deep conscious breath releasing it with a sigh or a sound. This connects you powerfully to your heart space, which holds understanding, wisdom, and awareness.

Practice being in this moment, this moment of the heart space, and you will be amazed by the transformation that happens to you.

Practice for the enrichment of energy and transformation; practice whenever there is worry or anxiety, and when you need a solution to a problem. As you continue to work with your heart, you will naturally connect with your Divine Blueprint, your Divine Wisdom, and your Divine Light.
~Excerpts from 'Twelve Steps to Inner Peace'
Copyright © 2012 P Rajkumar , S L Christian
All rights reserved.


dinesh sahay said...

Excellent example, good gesture and nice preview.

dinesh sahay said...

Please do visit my new blog and comment if you like it.